Trump Says Tone Can Get Better – Begins with Media


Trump ended the post-mid-term election news conference with an interesting comment about the media. To watch these final comments click here to view on YouTube

“Hopefully, the tone can get a lot better. And I really believe it begins with the media. We use to call it the press. I really believe it begins with the media. If you would cover… there was a very interesting story written in a very good paper recently that talked about the fact that it isn’t good what the media is doing. And that I do have the right to fight back because I’m treated very unfairly, so I do fight back, and I’m fighting back not for me. I’m fighting back for the people of this country. Thank you all very much.”

President Donald TrumpWhat newspaper was he referring to? We found this article called “Trump Didn’t Start the Fire” by David Prentice published on the front of the Epoch Times Opinion section on November 2 which says. “In order to win, Trump had to fight all these giants.” and “He didn’t start this rancor, but he’s fought allΒ the right people to a standstill.” referring to the “the bloated Clinton machine, the fake news old media, and, of course, the tech-lords and their platforms”.Β
Full press conference.