Keep Better Track of Time Visually with Time Timer

Image of the book Sprint and Time Timer side by side
A copy of the book SPRINT with an 8" Timer Timer.

Boost team meeting effectiveness

Are long and unproductive meetings ruining your workday? Introducing the Time Timer – a simple yet revolutionary analog clock that will change the game. Say goodbye to boring meetings as you watch the red disc retract behind the dial, providing a visual representation of how much time is left. Unlike traditional clocks, the red disc acts like a pie chart, showing the passing of time as a percentage. Upgrade your team meetings and experience a newfound sense of time awareness that leads to maximum efficiency.

In his New York Times bestselling book SPRINT – How to Solve Big Problems and Test New Ideas in Just Five Days Jake Knapp tells a story of how he discovered the Time Timer while picking up his kid from school.

I’m vigilant about my time spent inside management meetings. Before using the Time Timer, I was using my iPhone Stopwatch. The problem with something like a smartphone is you’re the only one who can see it and you need to look down and unlock your phone to check the time. With the Time Timer (I’m using the 8″ model) everyone at the meeting can see it, and the audio alert lets everyone know when it’s time to move on to the next item.

Be a rockstar timekeeper at your next team meeting.

Follow these 5 steps below.

  1. Set the clock Time Timer where everyone can see it.
  2. Move the timer hand to the number of minutes want to spend on a topic (ranges from 1-60min).
  3. Watch as the red disc slowly disappears giving people a visual sense of time.
  4. Use the optional audio function have the timer beep.
  5. Reset the time and move on to the next topic.

Benefits of Time Timer

It works better than an iPhone or stopwatch because everyone can see the display. Setting the time is quick and easy. Visually it’s less distracting than a similar-sized digital display that flashes or ticks as it counts down the seconds.

The Time Timer comes in various sizes, including 3″, 3.5″ MOD® Sprint Edition, 7″, 8″, and 12″ models plus iPhone and iPad apps. Larger size models work best for group meetings. Whereas the 3″ model is ideal for your personal desk, or at home in the kitchen.

Where to buy?

You can find the Time Timer at Amazon and at