Election news censorship began weeks before the election. Big Tech has since cranked up the election news censorship dial to level 1984! Full-blown information war against MAGA is underway. Big Tech and Big Media are firing all guns against Trump.
It’s being going on for years but really became apparent with the NY Post story on Hunter Biden’s laptop.
Prominent Twitter accounts are getting suspended, the President’s tweets are being blocked. Posts across Facebook contain warnings about disputed claims on the outcome of the presidential election.
Echo Chamber Mode
It feels like Facebook has siloed opposing camps into separate echo chambers because things seem pretty calm with mostly liked minded people engaging with posts.
Despite all the blocked posts and warnings showing up, Facebook feels quite relatively peaceful.
The number of block posts are ridiculous. And Facebooks removal of President from Trumps page is unbelievable. Who do they think they are?
What other election news censorship methods could be deployed? Could a surprise attack on a satellite be deployed to knock out communication?
Last Line of Defense
With all this craziness and election news censorship, it’s time to break away from these manipulated platforms. You’ve got to go direct to independent trusted news sources. Facebook, Twitter, and Fox, and the rest of the legacy lamestream media are going to experience a massive exodus as users become disgusted by this new level of manipulation and censorship.
So you’re wondering how to look professional on Zoom calls? Since we’re spending a lot of time on Zoom calls these days here are 5 easy to use tips you can use to look professional on Zoom calls.
Sound On Zoom Calls
Having good sound is just as important as having good video. An empty room might sound find in normal conversation, but it creates an annoying echo for anyone listening online, especially if the floor isn’t carpeted. The most stuff in the room to deflect the sound the better. Make sure there are no loud noises in the background.
Background and Location for Professional Zoom Calls
Create a good background. Keep in neat and simple. A white wall is usually too plain so set yourself up behind a bookshelf or with some art or decor in the background like a houseplant or lampshade.
Camera and Body Position for Zoom Calls
If you’re using a laptop with a built in camera you want to avoid pointing the camera towards the ceiling so you should prop up the camera to be at eye level. Sit back about an arms length from the camera so you appear not too close or too far away on the video call.
You want your eyes about 2/3rds from the top of the frame. Make sure the top of your head is not cropped off. You want to leave a small space between the top of your head and the top of the frame – this will make you look taller.
If you’re joining a zoom call from your phone you might want to consider getting a tripod to create stable video. There’s nothing worse then people on a zoom call waving their phone around. You might just want to mute your video in cases like that if you’re at the grocery store or walking out and about.
Room Lighting
Good lighting makes a huge difference. Professional lighting uses 4 light sources but you really only need one. If it’s day time you can use a window. If it’s too bright adjust the shades on the window. You want the window to be in front of you, not to the side or behind you. If you can sit at a slight angle from the window that could give you the best natural lighting effect.
If it’s night time use a lamp. Don’t use overhead light where the light shines down directly over your head. And don’t shoot light upwards at your face from below. Aim the lamp light pointed slightly above your the height of your eyes to create the best effect. Think of it like recreating the natural light from a window.
Your Appearance
Dress appropriately at least on the top half. Put on some make-up if you’d like and don’t look down at the keyboard or desk. Make sure you look directly at the camera when you’re speaking. This might feel weird but it delivers the most professional appearance to the viewer.
Also don’t move around too much. Swaying back and forth can be really distracting. Don’t fix you’re hair or clothes too frequently either, these movements can make you look nervous.
So take your zoom calls to the next level by finding a quiet place with no distracting noises. Set up a good background with the camera at eye level and arm’s length away. Make sure you have good lighting and make sure you look good.
But no matter how perfect you make your set up nothing beats putting in the hard work and practicing your presentation.
Can innovations to newspaper delivery help the industry from total collapse and help thwart online censorship and digital surveillance? With the newspaper industry in steep decline it’s time to apply some serious innovation to the business. Some would say it’s too late and too risky to invest in newspapers.
But let’s not count newspapers down and out yet especially with all the censorship we’re seeing by the big tech platforms. Newspaper will play a big role in the free flow of trusted information in the future.
Distribution seems like the most ripe aspect of the newspaper business for disruption. It’s been traditional the most costly expense after staffing.
To reduce the cost to distribute the newspaper it would seem that having a good product available at a lower price would be effective for gaining a larger share of the market.
Newspaper Delivery By Drones
Amazon is working on drone technology to deliver packages and I could see them experiment with newspaper delivery as well since they own the Washington Post.
Newspapers seem like if they are packaged well, their light weight flexible size could be effectively carried by the dozens. Obviously drones would not work in high rise apartment and condo buildings. They might be effective of beating traffic and making bulk drops.
Peer to Peer Newspaper Delivery
Like Uber entering the delivery game could newspaper distribution be enhanced with a peer to peer network where users accept and take responsibility for a given area?
A obvious question is the reliability of such a model. This may not take the form of drivers in cars either. If a drone makes a bulk drop at a building you need a person like a door man to pick it up and deliver it inside the building. Or have a person on foot make the deliveries on foot from the bulk drop.
The benefits of a bulk drop to human carrier is that the person doing the walking route wouldn’t need a car, insurance or to pay for gas and parking tickets. If the app would connect to the customer where they could rate the timeliness and consistency of the delivery that could help provide quality delivery.
How would the delivery person get paid? The newspaper could offer a tiered rate per delivery for on time delivery and a lower rate or deduction for late or missed deliveries. The incentive therefor would be place on the courier to deliver on time.
How about adding a newspaper to your food order? A partnership between publishers and food delivery could make this possible. Unplug during you lunch break by ordering a newspaper.
There could also be a tip function built into the app which would let the customer tip the delivery person as a regular weekly, monthly intervals and on special holiday occasions like for Christmas, New Years etc. The app could send periodic notifications reminders for tips or other rewards like ‘buy me a coffee’ for a job well done. The idea is to reward and incentivize quality delivery. Make it fun a rewarding for young students to get a taste of entrepreneurship.
If a customer reports a missing newspaper the app could send out a notice to nearby carriers. The first one to accept the job would be assigned to that delivery and would be rewarded according to the amount for a rush or missed delivery. This of course would need to be backed up by a cross reference within the system weather the newspaper had been delivered originally and was stolen to ensure the customer couldn’t make a claim that the newspaper wasn’t delivered when in fact it was but somehow got removed.
This might happen often when another occupant of the address retrieved the newspaper and failed to notify the other party who is now looking for it. The customer would have the exact time stamp record in the app.
Speed of Newspaper Delivery
I don’t need my newspaper one or two hours earlier than I currently receive it because it sits outside until I’m ready to sit down for breakfast. Increasing the speed doesn’t seem that important.
Service for missed delivery If there’s a problem but speed would be important to some readers if they would like to read the newspaper that day. I’ve seen newspapers make up for the missed issue by sending a replacement the following day together with the current issue.
Referral Program
The app could incentivize the customer using a referral code. They would send the code to their friend telling them to subscribe. The friend would receive a special offer and the referrer would gain points or dollars to use towards their subscription or other merchandise in our online shop.
Finding innovations starts with seeing how, dreaming big and working hard. The newspaper industry has endured a long time and now in the midst of censorship, invasive digital tracking and privacy infringements it seems like the perfect solution to cut away from the digital surveillance. Let’s hope strategic minded people can find new ways to make the newspaper more affordable, accessible and relevant to people.
Creative ideas and effective newspaper advertising design all start as a concept. Putting pencil to paper helps you sketch out your ideas and makes it easy to communicate with the client and finally the graphic designer.
A simple and easy way to approach newspaper advertising is to use the AIDA formula which stands for Attention, Interest, Desire, Action.
But to break down a newspaper advertising design even further can help save you time in during the initial planning phase of the concept.
Types of Newspaper Advertising
What type of newspaper ad are you creating? Is it an event ad, a sales ad, an image ad, or an item & price ad? Since this article is focused on display ads, we won’t cover classified ads in this article.
The Offer
The offer is probably the most important and difficult part of newspaper advertising design. What existing interest does the offer appeal to? What should customers do to respond to your offer?
The Ad Elements
What size and shape validate the offer and the physical characteristics of our products/service?: What size and shape allow us to make a complete sale?:
What will the tone of the ad be? Is it a serious tone, sophisticated, humorous or bold? Choose the right tone to help plan your ad concept.
What must the overall tone and image communicate to speak to the reader’s lifestyle, and aspirations?
List how the elements including the signal image, headline, body copy etc., and how to best organize them to direct the readers’ eye.
Signal Image
What is the subject of the photo/illustration? What photo will you use to communicate the offer? What story is the image going to tell? What emotion will the image elicit?
What keywords will communicate the offer at a glance? What are the first few words that will grab the reader?
Body Copy
What are the clear benefits you want your ad to convey? What active verbs describe the benefits and features? An old saying in the ad world is “one ad, one message”. Don’t try to squeeze everything into an ad. The ad needs to stop the reader and inform them just enough to take the next action.
Initial Newspaper Ad Concept
Sketching out a draft advertisement helps you worth with the available space. Map out the headline and body copy, and drop in the signal image to grab attention. Don’t forget to include the offer.
Roughout a few sketches until you’ve got all the essential elements. Snap a photo of your draft and send it to your designer. You’ll be amazed on how a good designer will bring your ad to life.
Final Newspaper Ad Design
Before and After: From Concept to Creation Newspaper Advertisement Example
Confused about the origin of Wuhan coronavirus and why it seemed to have taken the world by surprise? Plenty of theories abound about the origin of the Wuhan virus that emerged from Wuhan China in late 2019.
In this new documentary film Tracking Down The Origin of Wuhan Coronavirus senior investigative reporter Joshua Philipp dives deep into the details behind the story the shut down the world.
Setting the record straight and clearing up any confusion about the origin of the Wuhan coronavirus is no easy feat. Examining all the clues and connecting the dots behind a massive web of confusion and mountains of information gives you a great appreciation for investigative journalism.
The outbreak came as a surprise to many, but as you’re about to find out there’s been cause for concern for decades.
Investigative journalism at it’s finest
Investigative journalism is quite possibly one of the most difficult professions. Add to that the complexity of navigation source documents from China written in Chinese. It takes years of reading and research to be able to pull off a project like this.
Good information matters
In times like these, knowing the origin of the virus and understanding where it comes from is critical knowledge essential to effective decision making.
We’ve seen many governments were caught flat-footed or stuck in a stake of political correctness rather than on having a clear focus on saving lives.
A lot of these delays can be attributed to the cover-up and disinformation campaign coming out of Beijing’s propaganda department
Praise for Tracking Down The Origin of Wuhan Coronavirus
Tracking Down The Origin of Wuhan Coronavirus has seen viral success. In two days since its release, it’s been viewed by over 6 million times.
Several influential figures, including investigative journalist Sharyl Attkisson, Larry Elder, Sebastian Gorka, and James Woods, have been talking about the documentary on social media.
I always approach these conspiracy documentaries as fiction. Then I very rarely find myself saying these guys are either the best writers around these days or they are definitely onto something. Either way this one is pretty scary. Judge for yourself… https://t.co/6bacZyP7wN
Writing a legal notice for the newspaper could be a complex task. Your lawyer or the newspaper’s classified legal notice department should be able to help.
To help simplify writing a legal notice make sure you:
Follow the court mandate to ensure all necessary information is included in the notice.
Get a legal notice template from the newspaper and fill in your specific details.
Proofread for accuracy.
Legal Notice Templates
The sample that follows is for the basic name change, and liquor license notices, the blank spaces are for the specific information to the person who’s publishing the notice.
Name Change Notice Sample Text
NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that an order granted by the Civil Court of the City of New York, _ County, on _DATE___,2019, bearing Index Number ___, a copy of which may be examined at the office of the clerk, located at ________________, New York grants me the right to assume the name of ______. My present address Is ____________________________; the date of my birth is _____; the place of my birth is _____, (United States); my present name is _ (aka)__________.
Liquor License Notice Sample Text
Notice is hereby given that a license, #___________, for liquor, beer, and wine has been applied for by the undersigned for a restaurant to serve on-premises liquor, wine, and beer under the Alcohol Beverage Control Law at ____________address________. _________Business Name_________ d/b/a ______.
The hashtag #CancelNYT has been trending. Subscribers voiced their frustration on the shoddy journalism in outing the whistleblower as a CIA officer.
According to Google Trends this event at the end of September lead to an all-time high for the search term “Cancel NYT”.
Fact check: false. #CancelNYT trended nationwide. Your tweet received thousands of negative replies. By no means were we all “Obama administration folks”. https://t.co/LXqvMNsmEC
You mean the New York Times makes gross amateur errors that end up in propaganda operations? Like when they said the FBI cleared Trump of Russia ties? Get outta town. https://t.co/dPoOPA3ECM
The cost to put a legal notice in the newspaper can vary a great deal from place to place and depending on the size and frequency of the notice.
The two primary factors behind the cost of a legal notice in a newspaper are the size of the notice and the circulation of the newspaper.
What does it cost to run a legal notice?
If you call the biggest newspaper in town you can expect to pay a lot more than you need to for your legal notice.
To give you some examples of what some common legal notice types cost are some examples of the prices found in New York. Remember this is a general reference, each area may vary and prices could change at any time.
Prices of Common Legal Notices in New York
LLC Formation Notice
LLC publication requirement NY, once a week for 6 successive weeks: Estimated cost: $360.00
State Liquor Authority Liquor License Notices
Once a week for 2 weeks: Estimated cost: $86.00
State Liquor Authority Liquor License Change of Status
What are the best newspapers for legal notice advertising in New York? When it comes to publishing legal notices there are many options to choose from.
As we explained in our article how to place a legal notice in a newspaper you need to find the right newspaper that fits the legal criteria for your notice. That also means finding a newspaper that meets the legal requirements and at the lowest cost to advertise.
Most Affordable Newspapers in New York for Legal Notices
Metro New York is free daily, so it can’t handle FCC or LLC notices but it can handle other types of legal notice advertising that require a free daily circulation.
The Epoch Times is a paid-daily in New York and can meet the requirement for many notices and has affordable rates, but it’s still in the process of getting the county clerk’s approval to run LLC notices.
Jewish Press is a weekly print newspaper that runs a lot of legal notice advertising and has more affordable pricing.
New York Law Journal is a trade publication for lawyers. It’s a paid daily newspaper that runs a lot of LLC notices but is quite expensive.
Too Big and Expensive
The New York Times, The Daily News, and New York Post are too expensive because of their large circulation, so don’t even bother with them if you’re trying to save money.
No Longer in Print
The NY Observer was a place you could run a weekly notice but they stopped printing in 2016.
Need Help?
If your pressed for time and don’t want to call around town and wait days for people to get back to you. If you want to save hundreds of dollars on the cost of your Kings county LLC publication legal notice or other types of contact us.